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After your beloved pet has passed away peacefully it is time to make the last choice, would you like to bury them at home or is a cremation the right thing?

We will of course be there to guide you if needed, but it is worth thinking about this beforehand.

St Francis pet crematorium offers individual and standard cremations. If you would like to choose this crematorium for your pet, we can take them there so you do not need to make the journey. Ashes can vary on how long they take to return which usually varies from 4-14 days depending on different factors.


There are other options like burying at home, burying at a pet cemetery or making arrangements with a different crematorium.


If you do decide on our local crematorium, St Francis, and you elect for individual cremation there are different vessels to choose from to have their ashes back in, see link below.

We recommend the eco options which are the scatter pouch or bamboo casket (image below) and are within the normal cost of the individual cremation price on our website.


Scatter pouch
Bamboo casket

There are also pet keepsakes which are available to choose. 

These choices are very individual so take time before the euthanasia to decide.

We recommend these paw impressions which we can do when we are with you to keep with a photo, they are £25.

Paw print keepsake



​Loosing your pet can affect you more deeply than you may have anticipated,

this is not abnormal, but it is important to acknowledge.

There is support available for you at this heart-breaking time.

Below are some links for bereavement help if you should choose it.​

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